Focus: Colossians 4:6 - KJV
6. Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.
1 Peter 3:13-17
Good words well-spoken in due time brings life and joy. When we speak in a brash manner, we are not likely to command respect with our audience. If our speech is however seasoned with grace, we are more likely to have friends and acquaintances from all spheres of life. More importantly, good words spoken can save lives and draw people into the kingdom. It does not matter what the person we are to address has said to, or about us. We are life givers and should utter only kind words.
The king had ordered his eunuch to feed Daniel and his friends with delicacies from the king’s table. They approached the eunuch to change the king’s directive. Even though the action was to draw a huge consequence on the eunuch, he yet agreed to do their bidden. Of course, it was because of the way he was approached. The king had decreed death for all astrologers and so on, if they could not tell and interpret his dreams. Daniel was able to get the king to grant them more time to seek the dream and its interpretation as against an astrologer who dubbed the king silly for assuming people would interpret what he himself could not recollect.
The mind of God for us all is that since we are meant to dwell in love with all men, whatever we say to others must emanate from love. Words spoken outside of love can only tend towards generating strife and thereby creating further division amongst men. Let us all understand that life and death lie in the power of the tongue, and be careful to use it only for life that we may equally have life in an elongated manner.
Please pray:
Thank you, father for your faithfulness in cleansing our hearts from hateful desires. Please, in your power, do further help to bridle our tongues and ensure that it is anointed only to utter seasoned words per time, in Jesus’ name. Everyone that we may have hurt by our words, please send peace into their hearts today, in Jesus’ name. In all that we do, please season our words with grace by your Spirit so that we may only give life by it and not cause people to go far away from you by our utterances, in Jesus’ name.
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