Focus: Hebrews 12:1 - KJV
1. Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
Hebrews 12:1-2
Before we, of this generation came into this world, many others have been here and have seen the world in a light that was not so palatable. Many of them are looking at the opportunities now available to us and are saying, if we had this kind of opportunity at our time, we would have fared better. Some even came at the time before the advent of Christ, some of whom were listed in Hebrews chapter 11, who wished they lived in or after the advent of Christ but did not. Those who have lived after Christ but lacked the kind of information and knowledge about God being made available to us today are also there watching and wondering. And of course, there are some who are living in our time and wondering where some of us are getting the grace for the wonders that attend to our lives. All of these are the cloud of witnesses that will testify on the last day to how each of us has fared in this race we are called to run. Hence, that we may not be found wanting or accounted to be guilty of indolence or evil mannerisms, we are counselled to lay aside every weight and the sin that easily make us complicit so that we can actually thrive in the race and finish well. We already have in Christ, an example of how we can run the race successfully. Even though there were distractions in His time, Christ refused to lose focus on His goal. If we must also finish well like Christ and receive the crown of glory, we must put away all distractions and submit fully to the will of God.
Friends, the judgment seat of Christ is going to be a real spectacle. Many may wonder how the evidence will be captured against evil doers. There are watchers on even as we live now and they are the witnesses of all that we do or fail to do when we ought to do them. We need to honestly believe that if man can invent the CCTV and the likes, God is not lacking in evidence and witnesses to put them forward in His Court. The bottom-line is for us to be mindful of how we run the race. Let the witnesses be able to applaud you in the end.
SOLUTION: Please keep your eyes on the price you gun for in the journey of life. Some don’t yet know about prices. Do study the scriptures to have understanding of the fact that all things do not end on this side of eternity. Run the race of life in a business-like manner: laying aside all the things that may put the business at loss, and grabbing on to those that will make the profit increase. Simply avoid lust and sin but instead, stick with righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost using the example of Christ as benchmark.
Lord, we cannot do this by ourselves yet we do not want to fail you. Please help us to run this race correctly and finish strong in the name of Jesus Christ. Whatever weight that may want to prevent our finishing well, please help to cut them off in Jesus’ name. As you have ransomed us from sin, please cause a separation between it and us forever in the name of Jesus Christ. In the end, give us the grace to reign with you in your Kingdom in Jesus mighty name.
