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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Things above

Key verse: Colossians 3:1-2

1 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. 2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

Galatians 5:22-26

As Christ prepared to leave the earth to proceed to heaven, He promised to send a Comforter from there being the Holy Spirit. As heaven is above, it follows that the Holy Spirit is from above. To seek and do those things which are above therefore, it is key to glean on the fruit of the Spirit. Those are the things that pertain to the place where Christ is and where we hope to be in the end. On the flip side, we are to take our minds away from the things on the earth which is characterized by the flesh with its affections and lusts. If only every man would yield this call, particularly those who claim to be of Christ, then are we able to live above the vagaries of the earth and then is the Lord through our example able to draw many more unto Himself and rid the earth of the vices of the flesh.

What we find among men today is nothing to really write home about. Some of thosee who claim to have risen with Christ by saying they are Christians do the more heinous things upon the earth. There was a time after prophesing to be born again, we attended a party with our old friends with whom we drank liquor in times past. Unknown to us, our new ways of life had attracted the crop of friends and they were agitating in their minds whether not to also get converted. Meanwhile at that party, while testing to be sure of our stand, they offered all manner of drinks and worthless fleshly things. Somehow, we did not know when we started to ask for a binge of alcohol mixed with soda. One of those who were at the crossroads was just studying us. The moment we asked for such drink, he let all hell loose and continued in his old ways screaming “Oo yato jo” meaning “you are no different” all around the party to our shame and great displeasure never to be so lured and defeated again. Many are still in this boat: “a little misbehavior here and there does not circumvent us from heaven”, they say in their deceit.

Resolve today to stick with Christ without wavering. Your wavering is sending others to hell and bringing the word of God to disrepute. Those who waiver are said to be unstable in all things. It is only the just that will reign with Christ in the end. Therefore, be strong and immovable in your faith in Christ by turning your back on the issues of the flesh.

Pray: Father, heaven is my goal. Help me to be heavenly focused and never to be distracted in Jesus name.

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