Focus: Psalms 37:30-31 - KJV
30. The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom, and his tongue talketh of judgment. 31. The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide.
Proverbs 10:11-14
Christ, being the Way, the Truth, and the Life, is also the Wisdom and the Power of God. He is equally the Righteous Judge. No man is wise except invertedly, unless the wisdom is derived from Christ. Those who get their wisdom from God are presumed righteous since He is righteous. They obtain their righteousness by accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior, who in turn gives to them the Holy Spirit to indwell them. By the Holy Spirit, they obtain the anointing whereby they see things which not everyone can see, and hear things others can’t hear. Essentially, their lives and ways are ordered by the Spirit that is resident in them. That Spirit understands the deep things of God and make it available to them.
So, those who be righteous often speak wisdom; wisdom in that all they speak are directed by the Spirit in them and therefore, conforms with the mind of Christ, who is the wisdom of God. That is why the Bible says the Holy Spirit fills their mouths when they appear before judges. Peter was accosted for healing the lame by the beautiful gate and preaching a sermon that converted about three thousand people. When charged to stop preaching in the name of Jesus, all he said was for the rulers to choose which was right to do: whether to obey them or God. That is wisdom spoken, and of course, judgment that could not be faulted.
We also have the latitude to speak wisdom if we will allow the Holy Spirit to reside in us even as we take the Lordship of Jesus over our lives. Those incessant errors will stop when we do so and thenceforth, the same Holy Spirit will teach us all things. The wisdom of the world can only lead us to sin. That of Christ keeps us in line with God’s will and commands. We cannot speak Christ’s wisdom without first coming under His authority. To overcome those lapses and resultant problems, you honestly need Christ. Accept Him today.
SOLUTION: The Holy Spirit with whom Jesus was anointed that made Him go about doing good can be available to you too if you will submit to Jesus, the Light, without whom you can never have a relationship with the Spirit. Take in the Holy Spirit through Christ and be marveled at the things you say from that moment.
Father, we thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit to the body of Christ. As we have accepted Christ as Lord and Savior, please fill us to the brim with your Spirit that we may speak wisdom anytime we open our mouths, and do good deeds from now on better than before, in Jesus’ name. Help us to purge the wisdom of the world that leads to perdition from our hearts, dear Lord, in Jesus’ name. Let your Spirit never depart from us ever in Jesus’ name.
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