Focus: John 4:39 - KJV
39. And many of the Samaritans of that city believed on him for the saying of the woman, which testified, He told me all that ever I did.
John 4:39-42
Many people have surrendered their lives to Christ with a view to having eternal life but have found it difficult to preach to others like Christ commissioned all believers. In their minds, the work of preaching and winning souls belongs to the pastors, evangelists and preachers. To them, as long as they give their substance in support of ministry, it will be sufficient to partake of the blessings of soul-winning done in the ministry. This is however not the mind of God for believers. Like the Samaritan woman by the well of Jacob whom Jesus met and told her life story, we can also go about telling the story of what God has done for us. Such testimonies have the potential of touching hearts and souls, bringing them out to find out by themselves how good the Lord truly is.
When the Lord Jesus Christ started His ministry on earth, He was first found by Andrew who was Simon Peter’s brother; the same first called his brother and gave his testimony of what transpired between him and the Christ. Thereafter, Christ found Philip who found Nathaniel and drew him to Christ by his testimony. The beauty of that was that Nathaniel first doubted the possibility of the Christ coming out of Nazareth but when he encountered Jesus by himself, his doubt disappeared. All that is necessary therefore, is for us as believers to, through our testimonies at the least, draw the unbeliever to Christ and rest assured that an encounter will convict and convince the same.
The Lord is therefore saying to us today that we should put an end to sitting on the fence regarding soul-winning and evangelism. For as long as there is none of us that belongs to Christ that He has not done something for, sharing the testimony of the things He has done for us is great enough a work of evangelism. That is us praising Him before men. Remember, He once said if we refuse to praise Him, God can raise up stones to do. As we do not want to be replaced by stones, it is important that we begin to fulfil His commission for us as believers, by sharing our testimonies with others to encourage them to draw nearer to Christ. By the time they encounter Christ directly, their lives would change forever just like it happened to the Samaritans the woman of Samaria told her testimonies to, after they encountered Christ themselves.
SOLUTION: Take time to share the testimony of the Lord’s doings in your life from time to time and let others feel if God can do it for you, He can do it for them too; then lead them to Christ, the one who did it, that they may have their direct experience also.
Please pray:
· Give thanks to God for the grace to encounter Christ and to believe in Him without first seeing Him
· Ask God to forgive you for assuming you had no place in evangelism before now and promise Him to share your testimony at every opportunity going forward
· Pray for the boldness to speak and share your testimony every time you need to, by the help of the Holy Spirit
· Pray that the benefit of evangelism will never be lost on you and that as you share your testimony it will forever be impactful
· Ask for your daily bread today
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