Focus: Philippians 2:3-4 - KJV
3. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. 4. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.
Romans 12:9-10
Every man has his own emotion and ego. Many lack the intelligence to contain their ego whenever there is need to. Hence, to avoid discord and quarrels, the believer is enjoined to eschew strife or seeking vainglory, no matter the circumstance; instead, we are to prefer others to ourselves in all matters. If we do, we will be like Christ who preferred us to Himself.
Elisha had occasion to have destroyed an entire army sent by the Syrian king to arrest him. Rather than engage in unnecessary strife, he showed them the goodness of God. It is obvious that the world would not spare an assailant that becomes a prey. But Elisha preferred them to himself and let them go.
The mind of God for us is not to quarrel but to pursue peace with all. No matter what the issue may be, let us endeavor to look at the issues first from the point of view of the person on the other side, rather than maintain a stiff stand. When we become stiff, we aggravate the situation. If we are Christ-like, then we will let go and let God.
Please pray:
Thank you, father, for your goodness towards me for making me Christ-like. Help me to remain focused and eschew strife in all ramification, in Jesus’ name. Please, give me the grace to look away when the enemy brings strife my way, in Jesus’ name. Let not the enemy cause me to fail in this matter, that I may always pursue peace in the name of Jesus Christ.
Please share with others. God bless you.