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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Servants Of Righteousness

Focus: Romans 6:17-18 - KJV

17. But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. 18. Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.


Romans 6:15-23


There are two typical pillars that control the earthly narratives: the pillar of light and that of darkness. The light is ruled by God while darkness is controlled by the chief ruler thereof, the devil. Anyone to whom we owe allegiance is our master. Those who yield in obedience to darkness are servants of unrighteousness while those that yield to the light are servants of righteousness. Whilst operating in darkness, the servants thereof do so much to suit their master. By faith, some of them become believers in Christ and therefore, servants of righteousness.


As servants of righteousness, the expectation of the master is that the servants would with the same zeal or better, that they operated in darkness, they should operate in the light and righteousness. Hence, the Lord says it is good to be hot or otherwise be cold. Lukewarmness is nauseating to Him. Those who are lukewarm in an army put the lives of the battalion at risk. Gehazi’s indecisiveness caused him to take from the healed leper instead of maintaining the position of the Lord which is that freely are we given. He suffered greatly for standing in between light and darkness and not being for righteousness explicitly.


Today, the Lord is asking that we rise to prove our righteousness just like we had been zealous for darkness in time past. Like brother Paul, he was a king of darkness while he persecuted the Church and he became much more intentional when he became a servant of righteousness. The Lord is asking that we all show ourselves true as servants of righteousness rather than standing midway between light and darkness. Let us therefore, be practical about who we owe our allegiance to. If darkness be found dowsing the light we claim to bear, it is time to start doing better by the help of God.


Please pray:

Thank you, father for accepting me as your servant when I opted for you. I pray that you please keep me in your light never to attract darkness to myself. Lord, I hate to nauseate you: please help me to do your will always, in Jesus’ name. Lord, keep me burning for you to the very end, by your Spirit, in Jesus’ name. In all I do, please do not spue me out of your mouth, dear Lord, in Jesus’ name. Let my being a servant of righteousness bring greater light to your Church and not smear it, in Jesus’ name.


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