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Season Of Performance

Focus: Jeremiah 1:12 - KJV

12. Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it.


Deuteronomy 7:7-10


It is a beautiful day with a great promise of the performance of lingering promises, if we would keep our part of the covenant with our God. The Lord is a promise keeper. When He gives His word to anyone, nobody can prevent Him from performing it unless of course the one to whom the promise is made. Hence, when He promised to ransom man from sin, He made sure that He performed it by giving us His only begotten son. Therefore, He who did not withhold His only son from us, how much more would He give us anything else that He has promised, freely? But when we take Him for granted by doing things that are inimical to His person or to the covenant we have with Him, He is no longer held bound to perform that which was promised.


The Lord had decided to give the land of Canaan to Abraham through his descendants. Even though he was told how they would be slaves in a foreign land for some generations, God was sure to bring them back to the land He promised Abraham. He gave His word to Isaac in the period of famine and He did not fail to perform it to the extent that He made the Philistines to envy Isaac. While a king reigned over Israel, He promised David the kingship over Israel and ensured that it happened. He gave His promise to Levi to be priest before Him forever and He fulfilled it until the house of Levi punctuated it through the sons of Eli who were identified as sons of Belial who refused to follow the path of God but did as they pleased. Even the promise to David was partially obfuscated because of the misbehavior of Solomon that brought about the division of the kingdom and a chunk of it given to another.


There are users of this devotional that the Lord has revealed His promises unto but they appear to have lingered. The Lord is assuring them today of speedy performance and it shall happen for all eyes to see. For those that have been promised spouses or children, it is the season of performance. Expect the manifestation shortly. Those that have the promise of financial breakthrough or health restoration, it is your season of performance. But between now and the manifestation, please do nothing to infuriate God. There is also the promise of ultimate salvation unto the Church whereby many will be taken from the realm of destruction to the realm of abundant life so that they will rule and reign with Christ, that is also about to come to performance. No one is going to die young, but God is about to ransom His bride. Faithful is He that promised and He is good to perform it. Let us therefore watch and pray that we may not lose that which the Lord has given us.


SOLUTION: It is time to receive the promise of God into our lives. Let us therefore be expectant and remain focused without doing anything that can cancel the promise out. God is about to come through for us.


Please pray:

·      Give thanks to God for all His promises whether performed already or not

·      Ask God to please come in His faithfulness to bring His promises for your life to performance at this time

·      Pray that everything that may cause the Lord to cancel out His promises or any of them for you, be removed by reason of the blood of Jesus Christ

·      Pray that when the promises come to performance, they will last long and be permanent unto you

·      Ask God for your daily bread for today


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