Focus: Matthew 4:10 - KJV
10. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
Matthew 4:1-11
As the year is running to an end, the enemy is still on the prowl looking for whom he may devour. His devouring is in the mode of deceiving people to create doubts in their hearts about the sincerity and faithfulness of God, so that they may fall from their loyalty to God and start considering themselves first. He uses scripture often times in his theatrics. And please, do not assume the enemy would come to us in a beastly form, no; he comes mainly in the frame of our friends and acquaintances like he did in Peter unto Jesus.
We have an example in our Lord Jesus Christ of how a man should treat the enemy when he makes his appearance. He will try to play on our weakness in the area of what we are passing through, or play on our “self” to want to promote egocentrism in us; or just straight off, promise to do what is not necessarily his to do. Christ used the word which He internalized to counter the schemes of the enemy and eventually asserted authority over him to rebuke and cast him from His presence.
The Lord is making us to know that since Christ did it, we also can. He would rather we confront the devil in his devices and let him know what a liar he is as well as utilize the power of the one in us to rebuke and cast him away. Do not let him deceive you to think God is not going to do for you that which He has promised. Continue in faith in God. Even before the year is finally over, your miracle will still show forth. Just trust the Lord. It is in His power to make you shine into the new year. Don’t let the devil defeat you.
Please pray:
Father, I thank you for the current year that is winding down. Please preserve me to the end and for many more years in good health and wealth, in Jesus’ name. Rebuke the devil for my sake and give me the boldness to do the same even as I look forward to your promises for my life, in Jesus’ name. Put the devil to shame over my life and family by coming through for us even before the year is over in Jesus’ name. Make the new year great and promising for me and everyone by letting us close this year, in joy in Jesus’ name.
Please share with others. God bless you.