Focus: Luke 10:19 - KJV
19. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Luke 10:1-20
Like in many trades and businesses, Christ treated His disciples as interns before He went to the cross to the extent that He put them into the practice of evangelism by pairing them up in twos to go and preach the Gospel in cities with definite instruction on behavioral patterns. When the interns returned, they gave glorious reports of their encounters and Christ was delighted to tell them how He has seen Satan defeated already and further informed them of the kind of power He imbued them with – power to tread on serpents and scorpions etc. without getting armed by any means. Serpents and scorpions are representatives of the agents of darkness who are definitely unhappy about the Gospel. Hence, Christ was already equipping the disciples from the level of internship with boldness and courage to confront darkness wherever it is found and deal with the same with the power already made available to the disciples. Meaning that there is a ready protective gear for everyone that will preach the Gospel to shield them from harm from the enemy. Unfortunately, many refuse to take benefit of this power as they refuse to preach the Gospel. Not even their character can be said to speak to the Gospel for their sakes which others may glean from.
You are called forth out of darkness to show the light of the one who called you. Showing the light is in preaching the word in season and out of season as well as by conduct. Refusing to preach the Gospel is invariably a denial of Christ before men. When we deny Him before men, He promised to deny such before the Father. Being denied before the father is inimical to life and having it abundantly. Everyone that He affirms before the father is translated to life in the light even while on earth. That which may cause panic has been taken care of. Living in fear of persecution and so on is calling God a liar. The reason the faith is being affected negatively today is because those who were preached to and ransomed thereby have refused to preach to others. We are being called to overcome the devil now by the blood of the lamb and importantly, by the words of our testimony.
SOLUTION: To preach the Gospel is compulsory for the believer. Write little scripts; share inspiring Bible verses; preach in the market place; create your podcast of the Word of liberty; populate the social media with the word of God regularly; talk directly to a neighbor/colleague today; make it a regular occurrence to reach out to the lost. Above all, let your being be the Gospel for all to read and acknowledge the lordship of your Lord. What to preach? Why not share the testimony of what God has done for you.
Father, the people of the world need greater ministration of the word today more than ever. Please appoint more laborers into your vineyard by the reason of your word in Jesus’ name. Do make me a part of your workforce for this assignment in Jesus’ name. Let the power to tread upon serpents, scorpions and other powers of darkness be manifest in my life and ministry in Jesus’ name. In the end, please help me to make it to your throne and not be a castaway in Jesus’ mighty name.
Please share to others. God bless you as you do.