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No Corrupt Communication

Focus: Ephesians 4:29 - KJV

29. Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.


Ephesians 4:25-29


Today is practically the last day in the third quarter of the year. All praise and glory to our God who has kept us thus far. May He see us through the rest of the year and beyond in perfect shape, in Jesus’ name. On this day, we are to examine the words that proceed from our mouths. We need first to appreciate that it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks. Therefore, whatever our hearts dwell on will be responsible for the things we utter. Those who have lustful thoughts are prone to immoral and vulgar utterances which corrupt others from the way of the Lord. Some are full of self-centered thoughts and speak things that endear others to selfishness, greed and self-aggrandizement. For us to speak things that are good and that can edify others unto becoming graceful, then we need to spend more time meditating on the things of the kingdom and the instructions of God.


There is no way a person can meditate on the word of God genuinely and be full of venom to want to say things to destroy others. When King Saul became vulnerable in the hands of David, one of David’s lieutenants counselled him to grab the opportunity to be rid of his arch enemy. He said so perhaps because he was a warrior and his thoughts were preoccupied with combat and enemy destruction. But David could not be persuaded to talk in the same fashion. For him, it was wrong to strike the Lord’s anointed. The difference, is, David was filled with the Lord’s laws to know that He rebukes kings for the sake of His anointed and would not have anyone touch them. Hence, David’s utterance was to say why it was unconscionable to strike Saul at the time or at all, despite him being a sworn enemy.


God wants us to know that what we say can either bring life or death to another. More often than not, when utterances bring destruction to others, they are borne out of evil and non-loving thoughts. Such will of course, not go unpunished. Gossips, backbiting, condemnation and accusation of the brethren, hypocritical and confrontational lies are products of evil ruminations. When we think on the things that glorify and elate, we are not likely to utter unloving words at any time because our hearts would not be able to allow the processing of such evil words. And if we realize that life is about sowing and reaping, we will equally know that whatever we do in speaking odd of or to others will come back to us in another form, but, this time, much more than what we did. Hence, it is better to dwell more on good and positive thoughts so that our communication will be such that is seasoned with salt capable to edify and minister grace to the hearers.


SOLUTION: Think on positive, good things. Never hold dirty thoughts that your heart may be kept pure. With the purity of the heart, you are able to say loving things to, and about others. Watch what you think about, or say.


Please pray:

·      Give thanks to God for the extent He has taught you to keep a pure heart and sane communication

·      Ask God to please help melt every stone in your heart and replace the same with flesh

·      Pray that the Lord will please help you bridle your tongue that you may never again offend Him by it

·      Ask God to forgive you of the corrupt communication you have had in the past and soothe the pains of those who were thereby affected

·      Ask for your daily bread today.


If you are blessed by this post, kindly share with your contacts, as well as others, that they may be blessed also. Thank you and may God bless you abundantly as you do so, in Jesus’ name

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