Focus: Proverbs 16:3 - KJV
3. Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.
John 11:38-44
Jesus Christ came to show us how to lead our lives if we must succeed in it. He said to us to seek first the Kingdom of God so that other things good that we delight in, may be added unto us. It is important that anyone who does not work ought not to be fed. But if our works must have a meaning, we ought to commit it into the hands of God first and then see what happens to our plans regarding the work. Christ demonstrated this at the tomb of Lazarus. Though He is the Author of Life, the Resurrection and the Life Himself, He still committed the work of intending to raise Lazarus into the hands of God even before getting to the venue of the work. The work He was to do had no precedent. The man had died for four days and was decaying. But the Lord knew that if He committed the work unto God, He would have His desire over it. He committed it unto God and got assurance from God that His prayer had been answered and then proceeded to do the work. Boom! Performance glared everyone in the face. The Lord is inviting us therefore to stop hussling aimlessly but commit our works unto Him first. Peter was already hopeless from fishing all night and catching nothing. When the Lord stepped into his matter, he caught more than he had thought of from onset. That is what committing our works unto God can achieve for us – Wow moments! Yes.
It is important at this time to pause and redirect our actions concerning the works we have been toiling over without much success. The Lord is offering Himself to us that we may countenance Him first in our works so that we may see a manifestation of what we intended to achieve by the works and much more. Even if the endeavor appears to be dying or dead and decaying, the one you are to commit it to raised Lazarus from similar state and the testimony survives till today. It is your turn to shout Hallelujah, if only you will commit that endeavor unto the Lord now.
SOLUTION: Focus first on God before setting out on any work or venture. If you have already set out and are meeting with failure, retrace your steps, ask the Lord to forgive you for the false start and commit it unto Him anew. You will never regret doing it.
Father, we commit into your hands all our respective works and ask that you please lead the way in each of them in Jesus’ name. Like you saw the manifestation of your thoughts concerning dead Lazarus, please let us also begin to see the manifestation of our intentions over our works in Jesus’ name. Help us never to jump the gun again that we may have good success in you in the name of Jesus.
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