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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Incredible Testimonial

Focus: Job 1:1 - KJV

1. There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil.


Ezekiel 14:14-20


Our God is one who commands perfection. When He asked Abram to proceed to a land that would be shown to him, He needed to caution him, at some point, to walk in perfection. When He sent Moses to Israel, he was to tell them to be perfect even as their God is perfect. The imperfection in man, made God to come in the flesh to die for the sin that brought about imperfection and to teach man how to walk before God and be perfect. Nonetheless, many are still of the view that they need not be perfect as Christ already died for all. It however, seems that those that are named with the Lord are expected to be perfect, henc,e they are told to work out their salvation with fear and trembling.


Ezekiel identified three characters in the Old Testament Bible as being perfect, upright, feared God and eschewed evil. They are Noah, Daniel and Job. God, of Himself, testified of the person of Job. The testimonial is so great that even the devil could not fault it. Noah, in his entire generation was the only one found upright and God preserved him. Daniel, though a slave in Babylon, stood out in perfection and was never disgruntled because of his status, to misbehave towards God. Ezekiel testified that even if these three be available in the day of the wrath of God, they would only save themselves and none other. God’s standards are not changed. The salvation we have in Jesus Christ is our passport for the heavenly country. But perfection is the boarding pass that puts us into the Ark to go with the Lord to the father, at His appearing. Incidentally, that pass works for only the individual whose name is thereon and none other can take the benefit.


The Lord is issuing to us a warning like He issued to Abraham telling him to walk uprightly before his God and be perfect. No worker of iniquity will make heaven. It does not matter how many times he answers the altar call, if at the return of the Lord he is found wanting in perfection, he cannot walk with the Lord. As simple as a lie may sound, no liar will make it. The Lord said so Himself, and the big one is that, the fact that your father is a pastor or your son is a pastor will not avail you, if you do not have your own individual boarding pass. The boarding pass is obtainable if you hold the passport and you are judged perfect, upright, with the fear of God, and not romancing evil in any way.


SOLUTION: The way to heaven is having a good Testimonial from the Lord concerning the way we have spent time on earth. Let us live with the fear of God by eschewing evil and walking perfectly with God. There are no shortcuts. And of course, it is for those who endures to the end.


Please pray:

·      Thank God for the salvation of your soul, and the grace to know the Lord Jesus to look to, being the author and finisher of your faith

·      Ask God to please forgive and have mercy on you for having walked in the past without perfection thereby toying with the salvation Christ bought for you

·      Pray that God may assign to you special angels to always ensure by the mercies of God that your walk with God be perfect through and through

·      Pray for as many as are yet to know the truth so that they will have their eyes opened to the truth and live by it, before it is too late

·      Ask God for your daily bread and the grace never to covet that which belongs to another.


If you are blessed by this post, kindly share with your contacts, as well as others, that they may be blessed also. Thank you and may God bless you abundantly as you do so, in Jesus’ name.

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