Focus: Psalms 18:20 - KJV
20. The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me.
2 Samuel 22:1-21
Our God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. He seldom rewards indolence or lassitude. When a man’s ways please the Lord, He rewards him by making his enemies to be at peace with him, or where the enemies are recalcitrant and refuse to be intreated even of the Lord, He keeps the one He loves away from the reach of the enemies until they become the footstool of the righteous.
David was a man who operated mainly in righteousness towards God and men. In his righteousness and without offending the king in any manner, the king sought to kill him despite all he did to take the king out of his madness and to help his administration to succeed. When occasion came that he could kill the king, he refrained his hand and continued to wish the wicked king well. When the Lord would reward his righteousness, He abandoned Saul in battle that he died. Not only that, He cleared the stable by ensuring no fitting candidate from the house of Saul remained to contest the throne with David.
This day, the Lord is assuring us that we will begin to receive the rewards of our righteousness. Everyone that tries to bar us from reaching our God given goals will become our footstool towards the achievement of the same. Rewards that we never felt entitled to will begin to manifest and we will be dumbfounded by it. As there are rewards for righteousness, they that be unrighteous will regret their ways in the face of the rewards for the righteous. Hence, let us keep on the garments of righteousness and forsake iniquity. It births nothing good.
Please pray:
Father, I thank you for the grace to be righteous in Christ Jesus. Let the light of Christ make me much more righteous dear Lord, in Jesus’ name. In this difficult world, you have made us your righteousness so that we abstain from worldly pleasure; by your power, help us to endure to the end so as not to miss our reward in you, in Jesus’ name. Let the world be converted to you more and more through your righteousness in us and make this also our sure reward, in Jesus’ name.
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