Focus: Mark 1:15 - KJV
15. And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
Daniel 9:24-27
During the ministry of John the Baptist, he said to us the time was fulfilled. Then, he was referencing the coming of the Messiah as prophesied by Daniel. But the prophesy of Daniel did not end with the coming of the Messiah. The Spirit is telling the Church today that the time is fulfilled as further prophesied by Daniel and foretold by John the beloved. The Lord is soon to pour His wrath on sinners and take home the righteous.
What was it Christ was saying when He said He would return like a thief in the night and ask us to watch for we know not when the Master would come? Why did He tell us of the ten virgins, and that five of them were foolish: what accounted for their foolishness? Who are those that He said He would say to: “I know you not, you workers of iniquity?” Aren’t they those who did wonders in His name? Why do we then assume, or should we say, get deceived to believe something else other than the one we are told to hear and believe?
Let no man deceive us unto stealing our crowns or any of them. To be sober and be vigilant is to forestall the devil as a roaring lion from making us his prey. Some say he cannot do anything since we have the Lion of the tribe of Judah. True enough, but that is only if we live in obedience to the said Lion and not when He is poised to say “I know you not”. By the way, “looking for whom he may devour” can never and should never be interpreted as meaning he cannot devour. If he cannot, why do we need be vigilant? The Lord is warning us today to be careful about satanic teachers who sweet talk us into being careless, wanting us to be prey unto the devil.
Please pray:
Thank you, father for the sure counsel we have of you which no devil can take away from us. Help us O Lord to be alert to the wiles and the devices of the enemy always so that we may not fall prey thereto, in Jesus’ name. Please rebuke the enemy for our sakes that we may have victory to the utmost, dear Lord, in Jesus’ name. Please keep us stable in you that we may not receive the negative voice from you, father, in Jesus’ name. Do make us to be like the five wise virgins even as we await your return as prophesied, in Jesus’ name.
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