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Forsaking All For Christ

Writer's picture: Jide OlaoreJide Olaore

Focus: Luke 14:33 - KJV

33. So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.


Luke 14:25-33


The cost of being a disciple of Christ is quite huge for those whose minds are hinged unto this present world. In the words of Christ, money or financial success is one thing that may impede discipleship like it happened to the rich young ruler who became sorrowful when he was told to sell all he had to follow Christ. Family is another thing that may impede discipleship of Christ. Some are too attached to their family to the extent that even though they know the excesses of their family members that they do not conform to kingdom ways, they are insistent on endowing them with authority over those whom God had revealed as His choice. Samuel would have preferred one of his sons to continue the leadership of Israel after himself but could not oppose the voice of God when he was instructed to anoint a king. Some others jump into the ring without taking cost of what they are entering into and when the truth of discipleship becomes clearer, they are not able to bear it.


Peter, amongst the disciples, testified that they had left possessions to become the disciples of Christ and the Lord assured them that forsaking things for the sake of discipleship is never in vain. Paul, the latter apostle, was clear in his testimony that what he had gained hitherto had become loss to him for the sake of knowing Christ. He was even ready to lay his life down for the sake of Christ for to him, to live was Christ and to die gain. Today, many claim to be disciples of Christ but are never willing to forgo anything for the sake of Christ that the kingdom of God may be populated and the kingdom of darkness depopulated. To them, it is just about themselves and perhaps their families. Meanwhile, in the mind of Christ, to be His disciple, we must let go of father, mother, brother sister and who have you. That is definitely a tall order for many, yet, Christ’s burden is light and truly bearable.


Christ’s discipleship is a thing God wants for everyone that must make it to the end. It looks so much difficult in the minds of those who cannot completely submit to the authority of Christ. When Elijah picked on Elisha by the order of God, the latter asked permission to say bye to his parents and eventually, he was allowed to. Meanwhile, with Christ, going to bid those at home bye is putting one’s hand to the plough and looking back thereby becoming unfit for the kingdom of God, or, in other words, unworthy of discipleship. The rule for Christ’s discipleship therefore, is complete, total and unflinching submission and not half and half.  God wants our totality and complete allegiance without allowing any other thing or person to get us distracted from kingdom pursuit. Those who are so distracted assume they are Christ’s, but His standard dictates that they are not.


SOLUTION: To relate with the holy one, we must be holy. Holiness connotes absolute submission to His will. All reservations are tantamount to disloyalty. Being Christ’s disciple is like joining the army: there we become regimented and obey the Commander in toto. Anyone who does otherwise can be discharged summarily. Total submission is the key to discipleship, therefore.


Please pray:

·      Give thanks to God for including you in the number of those He called to be discipled of Him

·      Whatever you may have done that makes you appear unfit for the Kingdom, please ask for forgiveness by the mercy of God

·      Ask God to please support you by His Spirit that your mind may be renewed that you may put Him first over all other things or beings

·      Pray God to finish well and strong as a soldier of the cross of Jesus Christ

·      Ensure you receive your daily bread today


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