Focus: 1 Corinthians 4:2 - KJV
2. Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.
1 Corinthians 4:1-5
A steward is someone who looks after the property of another. Put in a better way, a steward is like the waiter in a restaurant, who takes care of the customer’s needs and ensures his comfort fully. Hence, the Lord’s steward is expected to take care of the Lord’s property faithfully. Many present themselves as stewards of God today but are in it for their personal gain. That detracts from the main purpose for which the Lord attracts stewards. Nonetheless, it is not of any to judge the stewards of God even though they are expected to live faithfully in their stewardship for all eyes to appreciate. God is a righteous judge and He observes the stewardship of all, Himself.
Judas Iscariot was God’s steward in the ministry of Christ. In fact, he was assigned to the maintenance of the purse. Whenever there was need to expend money for the ministry, Judas was the person to turn to. It will however appear that, rather than mind the ministry alone with the funds, Judas was also helping himself to it. Unknown to him, others in the ministry observed his unfaithfulness. One fateful day, a lady broke a bottle of alabaster oil to anoint the feet of Christ with, and the pretending Judas objected to her action saying that it was an expensive waste that could have been diverted to the care of the needy. Meanwhile, some wondered if he actually cared for the needy, or his own purse.
Today, God wants us to know that as we are under His watch for all our deeds, so also are we being observed by many others. He therefore, warns that we be faithful so that His name be not blasphemed by anyone because of our deeds or misdeeds. He also has a word for those who are judging others and counting them unfaithful. He says there is no man that knows well enough to judge righteously and therefore, all judgments should be left to Him for He looks at the heart and not mere demeanors. Let us therefore, hearken to the voice of our God to becoming faithful in our stewardship and let they that judge first remove the log in their own eyes before attacking others who has mere specs in theirs.
Please pray:
Father, I thank you for accepting me as one of your servers. In all that I do, please help me to ever remain faithful to you in my stewardship, dear Lord, in Jesus’ name. If by any reason I err, please keep me in check that I may not cause your name to be blasphemed, in Jesus’ name. Help me to mind my business and be loving in correcting others when they appear to be unfaithful in their service that I may never be guilty of judging them, in Jesus’ name. Let my tips and reward of stewardship be certain and large, dear Lord, in Jesus’ name.
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