Focus: Psalms 56:9 - KJV
9. When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me.
Psalm 107:8-14
There is a great arsenal available to every believer but is virtually underutilized. The Lord is available to those who love and obey Him. But He seldom moves until they actually seek His assistance or support. When they refuse to, He feels for them and wonders when they would actually activate the arsenal available to them. No wonder He states that my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. At times the beloved of God, by reason of some iniquity, is chastened. Yet, in his chastisement, if he would cry to God who is good and does wonderfully, God takes him out of his darkness and devastation, saving him from his distresses. All the Lord seeks is that we realize that He is ever available for us, if we reach out to Him as our God, whenever there is need for a rescue.
Israel was to spend time in a strange land as God had told Abraham their forefather. They were to be there for four hundred odd years. When they realized themselves and found that they were not just in the strange land but were also being maltreated, they sought the help of God by crying out to Him in their devastation. The Lord responded to them by bringing them out with a strong hand and an outstretched arm. Not only did He bring them out, He also made sure that they spoiled their oppressors by giving them favor in the sight of the oppressors. That which brought all of these to pass, which the Lord had told Abraham centuries before, was that the people cried unto their God. Crying to God is concentrating faith on, and being determined to find Him in time of trouble through praise and prayers.
The Lord is saying we ought not to blame Him for our woes when we refuse to involve Him in our affairs. When we go on without involving God in our affairs as if we can handle things ourselves, we cannot put the blame of our devastation on Him. If only we will take time to focus our request for assistance on God like David who set his eyes to the hills knowing his help can only come from God to be effectual, then shall we also receive benefits of God who is the only one who can fully save us from the hands of our oppressors. A reliance on our prowess or any other, is a misdirected thing and the Lord is taken out of the equation and therefore, should not be blamed for it.
SOLUTION: No matter what you think your situation is with God, if you will humble yourself and ask God for His mercy, then you can cry unto Him to help you out of that situation and He will surely come through for you. He has promised not to cast you out if you turn to Him, no matter how terrible your situation had been.
Please pray:
· Thank God for being available to show you mercy when you call on Him and for arising to ransom you when you cry to Him
· Pray God to please show you mercy today and come through for you in your current situation
· Cry unto the one who arose for Israel in their calamities to arise for you today
· Pray God to please reverse everything the oppressor had done to you and turn them to favor you tremendously now
· Ask for your daily bread today
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