Focus: Matthew 4:4 - KJV
4. But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
Deuteronomy 8:1-7
The word of God is eternal, it is spirit and life. Incidentally, many people refuse to countenance the word at their own risk. Meanwhile, even if heaven and earth pass away, not a jot from the word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord will fall to the ground. It is infallible. Many failed believing that they wrongly relied on the word of God whereas what they leaned on had always been the adulterated presentation of what God had said. If it is the word, it is true and has no lie added. When it is so, it is complete and dependable. Those who be dead do not hunger, neither do they thirst. Hence, they who do not hunger or thirst for the word are likely dead or dying spiritually.
The Lord in His wisdom brought the realization of the infallibility of the word to the Israelites. They were in the wilderness where they hungered and thirsted; He gave them manna for their sustenance that they may continue in their journey. But then, He made them to see that there is a better food for the soul than that which they craved which was Egyptian delicacy. He made sure they received His word every bit of the way to guide them through battles and sustain them in health and wellbeing. And He told them that as beautiful as it was to have manna, life is not through bread alone but by the word of God.
The Lord is asking that we listen more to and obey His word for therein lies life. When Adam rejected His word in the garden, he lost hunger for fellowship with Him and was hiding away from His voice. He wants us to check ourselves and have a spiritual reawakening by improving our thirst and hunger for the word. Let it be the light to our paths and the lamp to our feet. They that have it are not likely to stray and they have life. It is better to seek life through the word than be contented with nakedness and death with bread alone which invariably does not really give life.
Please pray:
Thank you, Lord for your word which is forever settled in Heaven. Please inscribe your word of truth in my heart that I may never forget it. Give me the grace to operate in your word that I may have life through it and life more abundantly, in Jesus’ name. Please direct me better than ever through your word, dear Lord, in Jesus’ name. I receive life through your word, which is the bread of life, today, in Jesus’ name.
Please share with others. God bless you.