Focus: Colossians 4:12 - KJV
12. Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, always labouring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.
Colossians 1:24-28
The world is so old and the devil has grown into great experience in it. His major assignment of stealing killing and destroying man is achieved in deceiving them into failing God, denying or cursing Him. Meanwhile, the will of God is that every man He made would be like Christ, doing only that which the father wants. Now, because of the experience of the enemy, men easily fall for his tricks and wiles and end up denying their God and cursing Him to His face. The flesh of man is so weak in the affairs of achieving the will of God in the face of the enemy. No wonder the Lord Jesus said ‘in this world you shall face tribulation’. It is with help that man succeeds in fulfilling and standing in the perfect will of God. Hence, as believers, we ought to aid one another through prayers that we may overcome the wiles of the devil and fulfil the will of God.
Peter was a lover and follower of Christ. He even swore never to leave Him no matter what. But when the enemy decided to sift him like wheat, before he realized it, he was already denying knowing Christ and was even swearing about it. Thank God that Christ had kept him in prayer, else, Peter would have been a wasted disciple and would not have fulfilled the will of God of being Christ-like and a fisher of men. Judas was an acquaintance of Christ for whom the will of God was good and not of evil, to come to an expected end. But when the enemy was done with him, he got him deceived to the extent of betraying his friend and Lord. Unfortunately, no one had prayed for him in the matter of his fulfilling the will of God. So, he ended up a wasted disciple as he was gained of the devil.
The Lord will rather we pray for one another like Paul and his coworkers prayed for the brethren. The focus of our prayer should be that God should make us overcomers that we may stand perfect and complete in the will of God just like the Christ, never giving in to the wiles of the devil to deny or curse our God. Let us therefore heed the word of the Lord by becoming forthwith, our brothers’ keeper such that we continue to pray for one another that we may prevail always over the devil and his machinations.
SOLUTION: Pray for one another. Flesh and blood cannot fulfill the will of God not to talk of stand perfect and complete in it. We can do nothing without Christ helping us.
Please pray:
· Give thanks to God for considering you worthy of being like Christ by standing perfect and complete in His will
· Pray that the Lord by His Spirit will keep you in perfection in His will till you meet with Him in glory
· Pray for every member of the body of Christ, particularly them that are of your local congregation, that God may give each one the fortitude to overcome the enemy and his wiles
· Ask God to put His love the more in the hearts of men that each and every one of us may stand perfect and complete in His will to the very end
· Ask for your daily bread today.
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