Focus: Jeremiah 31:33 - KJV
33. But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
Hebrews 10:11-18
Merry Christmas to you, dearly beloved. A little over two millennia ago, God put performance to His prophesy of changing the human trajectory by putting His laws in the hearts of men going forward. Such fulfilment began with the birth of the Messiah, a fete which we commemorate every year at Christmas. By the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the idea of the law on stones or as propagated of men against the mind of God, received a shift. Without being prompted, men now know what God wants, because of Christ.
The days were when confusion pervaded the earth as men made laws, albeit in the name of God, but were ungodly. To forestall further manipulation and since every soul shall answer to the Lord directly, God has ensured that we all know when it is right and when it is not, to do everything we do. Hence, those who decide to be recalcitrant are so because they just do not want to submit to God but to their selfish ends. Christ came that we may triumph over the law and sin, and not to further be found in it.
The mind of God is that we all imbibe the project He has for us in Christ Jesus by doing only those things that Christ has directed which also are in consonance with the dictates of our hearts and consciences as the Lord has placed them there. A refusal to follow the position of God is an invitation to trouble. In the spirit of Christmas, let us invite the Holy Spirit to help us so that we do not end up making the birth of Christ a waste over our lives.
Please pray:
Father, I give you praise for witnessing another Christmas today. As we celebrate, please help me always to obey you and the laws inscribed in my heart to love and do good always, in Jesus’ name. Do not let me ever fail you or make the birth of Christ wasted over my life, no matter what. Please help me to be fulfilling in you to the very end. And if you tarry in your return, let me witness many more Christmas celebrations in joy and fruitfulness, in Jesus’ name.
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