Focus: Isaiah 41:8 - KJV
8. But thou, Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend.
Isaiah 44:1-5
Everyone that is named with the Lord is special in the sight of God. It is that the same carries the presence of God and therefore, the Lord is jealous for his sake. When God is so jealous for His own, He ensures no evil comes near the same. He ensures the same is not unduly thirsty and makes sure the seed is watered so that there is harvest always to reap. Not only that, God ensures that His blessings on same transcends to his offspring. Hence, the Lord encourages us to remain His servant, or as Christ called us, His friends.
David was a vivid example of being God’s servant. The Lord shielded him from the attack of ferocious animals (the lion and the bear); saved his neck from the sword of Goliath, and the spear (javelin) of king Saul; protected him in fierce battles with surrounding nations, enriched him on all sides and made his offspring to inherit his throne and also build a Temple where the name of the Lord was attached. God gave him a good life and prospered his endeavors to ripe old age even when he could no longer release heat. He was a vivid example of God’s blessing upon the seed of Abraham.
God wants us to trust Him and rest assured that for as long as we are grafted into the root of Jesse, we are seeds of Abraham and we are chosen of God to bless, protect, equip and lift up for the world to see the kindness God can bestow on man. All He asks of us is to stay connected to Himself through Christ Jesus, so that we are reassured of His presence always. He is our shield, buckler and defense. If, however, we leave the fold of the Great Shepherd to stray away, it becomes our fault if the enemy reaches out to cause harm. Let us therefore be careful to stay knitted to our God so that we may continue to take His benefits. Dear believer, be encouraged in the constant presence of God with you, no matter what it seems you are passing through.
Please pray:
Father, I appreciate your presence in my life. Please keep me glued to you, never to cut off, in Jesus’ name. As a seed of Abraham, I look to you for the manifestation of your blessings on Abraham in my life. From today, let me be truly blessed; let everyone that blesses me be blessed and all that work against me be rebuked, in Jesus’ name. Let your blessings upon my life flow to my offspring, dear Lord, in Jesus’ name. Let my day bring blessings to many from now on, in Jesus’ mighty name.
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