Focus: Psalms 51:17 - KJV
17. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.
Psalms 51:12-18
It is not unlikely that we congregate in the name of the Lord without having the Lord present even though it is written that “where two or three are gathered in my name, there will I be.” It is also a clearly regular occurrence that in our dealings we feel we have ‘offended’ God in many ways. Well, the first thing to understand is that the sacrifice of Jesus has done a reconciliation between us and God whereby we are now His children. As children, we can approach His throne for mercy whenever we feel we have erred. However, approaching the throne and obtaining mercy are two different things. Even though, mercy is an absolute prerogative of God, but clearly, God will not despise anyone that approaches Him with a broken spirit/contrite heart. If a person, having realized His folly, approaches the throne with lip service, without the heart to desist from offense, the same will be wasting his time as God sees the intents of his heart. Cain did sacrifice. But his sacrifice came from an impure heart and God rejected it. To the casual observer, a sacrifice is a sacrifice. But to God, it is not. Why beat yourself fasting as sacrifice for nothing when you know you still have the heart not to turn around from the evil way? It is easy to deceive men but not God. When however, there is a heart to desist from the evil and focus on doing good going forward, then the Lord bestows mercy.
Beloved, God is not deceivable. We may pretend all our lives to our friends that we are whom we are not. But the Creator discerns the intents of the heart and acts based thereon. If we must be accepted, we must make our hearts pure and clear to operate in genuine repentance. The slaughter of a thousand bulls for sin offering or fasting till kingdom come without a deliberate turn around is a crass waste of time and energy. Spend time meditating on how to turn fully around and achieve that. Then will the Lord see that we are not recalcitrant but willing to accept guidance.
SOLUTION: The heart is critical to acceptance by God. We know what is right each point of the way. Resolve to do that only and then approach God for mercy.
Father, we know we are not yet fully infallible and that is why we approach you always for your mercy whenever we find ourselves going into error. Please be merciful unto us all in Jesus’ name. Do create in each of us a new heart that renews the right Spirit in us in Jesus’ name. By your Spirit, please make us acceptable unto you that we may reign with you to the very end in Jesus’ name.
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